Our team is available to assist you in a wide variety of projects, from complete renovation to a simple consultancy:


For clients who wish to explore their options in regards to the distribution of spaces, material selection, coating, furniture, accessories, colors and lightning, or who wish to renovate their spaces using what they already have without having to make great investment, may choose a consultancy service on site with one of our professionals.


For clients who seek to go on board on a project at a lower scale, with the need to renovate spaces one area at a time, undertaking it at their own pace.


For clients who wish to embark on a renovation at a greater scale, we offer a complete service of design + build. We undertake all parts of the project.

  • Architectural design;
  • Contractors’ management;
  • Budget;
  • Work schedule;
  • Management;


For clients who seek advise at the time of investing in pieces for their space, we organize visitations to the best stores according to their necessities and budget, along with one of our professionals to offer suggestions at the time of purchase.